SQF Development & Implementation Consultant
We provide consulting services to small-to-mid-sized
Food & Food Storage/Distribution companies
If you think the RV is a
Recreational Vehicle
You Need to Click HERE
We are celebrating FREEDOM WEEK, one week early by pricing *ALL of our services at $200.00 (each) when you use CashAPP or bank wire as your method of payment. If you don't have CashAPP click the graphic to the left for an invitation.
*Does not include SQF Documentation Developments
Ask People What the RV is and MOST will say.... A MOTOR HOME?
But Seriously... RV Stands for Re-Valuation
At some point in 2022 we will see the re-valuation happen and it is not just the United States - It is EVERY COUNTRY on the face of the earth!
Therein lies an opportunity the likes of which we have never seen before. You see, in order to re-value currency ALL the "old"paper money must be redeemed and then new currency can be issued that is
(Time is of the essence - RV is coming sooner than expected)

People like you and I can participate!
It won't be just governments and banker's that will be redeeming their currency - the general public will be able to do so too!
Now, we don't know when or where and we don't know the exact rates of exchange - it will be different for most currencies. But, we do know it will like Chirstmas in July!
As a Consultant this is where I come in to guide you...
While i am not a financial expert and I do not give financial advice - I can however, share my knowledge to guide you with where to purchase the currrency, what types to purchase and provide links to sources of information as we move closer to the RE-VALUATION.

If the answer is yes, it is TIME TO TAKE ACTION.
Simply send me $100USD thru your CASHAPP to $SAVEDByHEMP.
I'll need your name, email and phone number and I will call soon after receiving your payment to discuss the above and then provide you with links by email afterwards.
Estimated time for our consulting session is 20-30 minutes.
The RV is approaching sooner than expected - please take action right now